Game jam summary and aftertoughts.

Game jam summary:
This was my/our (as I teamed with my brother for this event) first game jam and for me personaly it was a bit of a disapointement as we didn't finish the game in time and version we submited was closer to a tech demo than to a game. However, apart the rollecoaster of emotions it was also a valuable experience. One for all: If you work practicaly non-stop but tired you will end up being less productive than with usual hours of sleep...
So the advice for my future self or anybody who will read this is that one of the most importat things is having a detailed time schedule (ideally prepared in advance).
More about the game:
The base idea was that the player is basically a helples prey to a ghosts and mosnstres trying break in into a mansion and the player withstanding by repairing baricades and killing them as they are vunerable at daytime. The never stopping waves of enemies also should force player to carefuly choosing between repairs.
To be a propper game it could/should also have some difficulty curve, buffs and debuffs, resources management, upgrades (and with that some game economy) and so on. I don't think I'll be cpable of making a game with all of this features but I feel it would be a shame to throw away the work we made so far so I'll try atleast to make some simple game out of it.
I've already added some missing textures make changes to map layout and planning to work on improving visuals (models, textures etc), opmalize enemy pathfinding and adding light effects. I know that one of the trickiest things about game developement is giving a date of update or release but I hope I'll be able to deliver uptdate by the end of this month.
Get Between night and day
Between night and day
Almost a game
Status | Released |
Author | Normal_Guy01 |
Genre | Survival |
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